SC Chairman

Dear colleagues!
On behalf of the Scientific Committee I invite you to take part in the V Russian Congress of Laboratory Medicine.
The Congress of Laboratory Medicine is an event, the importance of which for this sector can hardly be overestimated. The Congress unites all areas of focus of laboratory medicine, presents the latest achievements in diagnostic technologies to the public. It is a unique platform for business and scientific communications, sharing of ideas, consolidation of all scientific communities’ knowledge, establishment and strengthening of partnership. In fact, the Congress is a forum for forming fundamentals of future laboratory diagnostics in Russia.
All scientific elite of laboratory service, including leading exponents of clinical specialties and theoretical faculties of various specializations, take part in preparation and holding of the Congress. The scientific program of the Congress contains issues of aetiology, pathogenesis and physiopathology of the most significant diseases, problems of pre-analytics, laboratory and clinical post-analytics, and quality management; a wide range of organizational, legal and financial aspects of laboratory service’s functioning is examined as well.
The expositional part of the Congress is formed by leaders of Russian and international laboratory industries. The exhibition of the latest achievements of laboratory diagnostic technologies is a real scientific city of the future, so we called it “Laboratory City”. Stands-houses of companies-exhibitors are attractive from the outside and their contents are interesting, too. Every house has a unique façade, its own spirit, and specialists in laboratory diagnostics will be able to find something new in each of them. These houses form streets. Every street has a name – Romanovskogo street, Zilbera street, Severina street, Voroshilovoy street. There is a neat square in the centre of the Laboratory City, Menshikova square, with a white grand piano on a podium (jazz). There is a press quarter in the Laboratory City (kiosks selling medical periodicals and monographs), “Shool Lab cafe” (fast food restaurant), an art gallery, photo show and many other things.
However, the main thing about the Congress of Laboratory Medicine is neither the exhibition, nor conference halls, nor even the scientific program. The main thing is us, the laboratory community. The main thing is communication, sharing experience, knowledge and emotions.
See you in “Laboratory City-2019” at the VDNH (Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy), on September 11-13, 2019.
Yours faithfully,
Michael Godkov, M.D.